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Interesting Cases – The Vomiting Dog Who Wouldn’t Eat (CAUTION – contains surgery photo’s)

By March 3, 2017 Uncategorized


Suzie is an adorable 6 year old mixed breed dog.

Her concerned owner brought her to us for evaluation of non-specific signs of reduced appetite and vomiting. Her physical exam revealed a swelling in her left groin area, which was suspected to be an inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is an opening of the abdominal cavity where fat and/or other abdominal organs can push out of the abdomen to the area under the skin in the groin. An abdominal ultrasound was performed the same night and it ruled out other causes of her signs and confirmed that she did have a hernia.


X-ray showing gas in her intestines prior to the trapped area of intestine.

The next morning Suzie was admitted for surgery. When the hernia was opened up, there were intestines trapped in the hernia causing an obstruction and the vomiting.  To make things worse, the piece of trapped intestine was not receiving blood supply, causing it to die. An abdominal incision was made and the trapped intestine was released and the dead segment of intestine was removed and the healthy intestine was sutured together.


 Dying segment of intestine that was trapped in hernia


Removal of the dying segment of the intestine.


Re-attachment of the healthy pieces of intestine.




The opening of the abdomen in Suzie’s groin was also sutured closed to repair the hernia.  Thanks to the careful monitoring of our experienced veterinary technicians, Suzie did very well throughout the lengthy surgical procedure. Suzie remained hospitalized for a few days and was sent home with many medications to help her get better.


Due to the dedication of her loving owner, Suzie received the post surgical care and medications that she needed for a complete recovery.  Suzie started eating well, she stopped vomiting and her energy level was similar to that of a puppy again. Suzie quickly gained weight and her incisions healed well.  She is expected to have a normal life without any future complications from her repaired hernia.