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Surgical Services

Our experienced veterinarians provide many surgical services at our clinic, ranging from routine to advanced procedures. Because we want to ensure that our patients receive the best possible outcome, we occasionally refer them to specialists (board-certified veterinary surgeons) to perform complex operations when advanced equipment or training will be beneficial. Our veterinary team takes every precaution so that your pet receives the highest-quality care. We perform a physical exam and preanesthetic testing before surgery, monitor your pet during surgery, and provide appropriate pain medication to keep your pet comfortable during recovery.



Spaying your pet has many benefits. The procedure, which prevents female animals from becoming pregnant and reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a longer, healthier life. Spaying will not change your pet’s personality.

By spaying your female pet, you’re protecting her against potentially deadly diseases, including bacterial infections, reproductive tract diseases, and several types of cancer. You also won’t have to worry about her going into heat. This means avoiding the mess that often accompanies the heat cycle in female dogs and the pacing and crying that happens with female cats. In addition, spaying your pet will help control the dog and cat overpopulation problem, keeping more animals out of shelters.

Spaying, which involves removing the ovaries and uterus, is a surgical procedure and does need to be performed with the pet under anesthesia. We follow strict protocols and continually monitor your pet’s vital signs to help ensure her safety. Please see the descriptions under Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring for more information on what we do to keep your pet safe. Being very proactive in pain management is important to us and we send patients home with pain medication above and beyond the ones given during recovery from the anesthesia.  We also give our surgical patients a courtesy cold laser therapy session which helps to reduce swelling and pain and speeds up the healing process.

To set up an appointment to have your pet spayed or to learn more about this procedure, call or visit our clinic. If you are struggling with the decision of whether to spay your pet, please call us so we can discuss your concerns.

Click BELOW to view our detailed hand-out on Spaying – FOR DOGS

Spaying Hand-out – DOGS

Click BELOW to view our detailed hand-out on Spaying – FOR CATS

Spaying Hand-out – CATS



Castration refers to the surgical procedure performed on male dogs and cats to render them infertile. There are many benefits to castration your male companion. First, you will contribute to the prevention of the dog and cat overpopulation. Second, castration will eliminate undesirable and at times, embarrassing behavior in your male companion. Third, you will help reduce the occurrence of certain diseases in your pet such as prostate disease and testicular cancer.

Castration involves surgical removal of both testicles. It is performed with your pet having a safe general anesthetic while being monitored with numerous safety devices. If you are shopping around for a competitive price on this procedure, be sure to question the type of anesthetic used and the monitoring equipment and procedures followed along with pain management. We use several monitoring devices during your pet’s anesthetic. A registered veterinary technician continually assesses your pet’s vital signs during the procedure. Although the risk of an anesthetic death in a normal healthy pet is very rare, our monitoring devices and procedures allow us to respond to an anesthetic emergency faster. Faster responses can save lives. Being very proactive in pain management is important to us and we send patients home with pain medication above and beyond the ones given during recovery from the anesthesia.  We also give our surgical patients a courtesy cold laser therapy session which helps to reduce swelling and pain and speeds up the healing process. Please call or visit our facility to learn more about our castration procedure.

Click on LINK BELOW to see our detailed Castration Hand-out – FOR DOGS:         

Dog Castration Hand-Out

Click on LINK BELOW to see our detailed Castration Hand-out – FOR CATS:

Cat Castration Hand-Out


Other Surgical Services


We provide a wide variety of other surgical services at our hospital. Some commonly performed procedures include:

  • Lumpectomies:  removal of skin tumours/masses or other lumps on the body
  • Exploratory Laparotomies: surgery inside of the abdomen to investigate a variety of problems, biopsy organs, remove foreign bodies, explore/remove tumours, etc
  • Cystotomies: bladder surgery to remove bladder stones, biopsy the bladder, etc.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: using an endoscope (medical camera) to perform a variety of procedures similar to human medicine.  Some example include laparoscopy to biopsy the kidney or liver, etc.  See our “Endoscopy” category in Medical Services for more information.
  • Orthopedic Surgeries:
      • Cruciate Ligament Repair: repairing dogs or cats with a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
      • Patellar Luxation Repair: repairing dogs or cats with a luxating patella (dislocating knee-cap)
      • Femoral Head Ostectomies: repairing dogs and cats with a diseased hip joint.
  • Dental and Oral Surgery: tooth extractions, oral fracture repair, and routine dental cleaning/polishing
  • Numerous other procedures: other surgeries we commonly perform include ear surgery, eye surgery, etc.

Contact Us

6251 O'Neil Street
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J 1M6

Phone: (905) 354-5645