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I’ve decided it’s time to let my pet go, but he/she is uncomfortable and can’t move very well, and I would really prefer to not drag him/her to the hospital. Can you come to my house?

We do in special circumstances.  Typically the procedure is smoother at the hospital since we can place an IV catheter before hand and there are minimal un-forseen complications.  However, in certain circumstances, an owner may have difficulties getting the animal to the hospital.  If you would prefer to have a veterinarian come to your home, please call to schedule an appointment. We also offer counseling if you want to discuss your decision or have any questions about the process.

You will also find a form in the “About Us” and then the “Questionaire’s” section of this website that addresses the quality of life for your pet and may help you to determine if this is the right time for euthanasia.

There are also other options to get your pet to our veterinary hospital if you prefer this route. Most Taxi services will transport pets and some are specialized as “Pet Taxi” companies.  The local Humane Society (SPCA) also usually assists in transporting pets for owners when they are in distress.

Contact Us

6251 O'Neil Street
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J 1M6

Phone: (905) 354-5645